
Our Picks: Top 10 Intellectually Inspiring Books To Read

May 01, 2021
08:00 P.M.
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Reading smarter is the key to being more intelligent. Several research studies demonstrate that the more you read, the more likely you will see improvements in crystallized, fluid, and emotional intelligence.


Think of intelligence as something the allows you to expand your capabilities. Therefore, consistent reading as a practice will impact your personal life and influence the people around you. Wouldn’t you like to be seen as a better communicator by your colleagues, friends, or family?

This is where books come in. Indeed, there is something for everyone. From instructions on how to win at a game of wits to understanding the universe of From instructions on how to win at a game of wits to understanding the universe of economics, expand your horizons with these ten books guaranteed to make you smarter.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill




This catching title looks at the why rather than the what that makes someone successful. Therefore, it isn’t a manual on money-making but about the elements that can make anyone successful at anything.

Moreover, the book examines aspects that define the world, such as what drives us or what creates change. Conclusively, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to make smarter choices.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu




The Art of War by Sun Tzu is perhaps the most ancient book on this list. While the title might make you think about military tactics, the book is so much more. The Art of War is an excellent read about strategy.

The strategic lessons in this book refer to human conflict. Simply put, it will guide you on how to achieve victory. Think of applying this book to conflicts within your businesses when tackling marketing or handling relationships for a more brilliant way to understand human interaction.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman




If people define you as a slow thinker or a think first do later type of personality, either n a positive or a negative sense, you may want to pick up this book. Some situations call for fast thinking, while others call for a slower approach.

On that note, Kahneman’s book offers a more systematic approach to approaching these situations through a fast and slow system. Thus, if you are interested in making your brain work efficiently for a positive result, add the book to your cart.

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey




Daily Rituals will offer you exactly what its title promises. This book is a compilation of how 161 of the world’s most brilliant minds navigate their daily rituals to achieve results. Peek into the minds of scientists, poets, philosophers, and more to get inspiration on productivity.

This book is especially perfect if you are struggling with your productivity. From Agatha Christie to Franz Kafka, some of the daily rituals are downright wild, and others base themselves around pleasure, endurance, stamina, and so on. Whatever the case, this book will inspire you to work smarter.

Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth By Brad Blanton PhD




Honesty in this book is defined by honesty to oneself first. The author, Brad Blanton, is a psychotherapist and a stress management expert determined to help you break free from the lies you tell yourself.

Radical Honesty will help you navigate a healthy way to escape your self-imposed jail and have meaningful relationships with yourself and, by extension, the people around you. How? Blanton uses his expertise to shatter the myths, superstitions, and lies we believe about ourselves.

Work Clean: The Life-Changing Power of Mise-en-Place to Organize Your Life, Work, and Mind by Dan Charnas




If you are a culinary pro, you may recognize the term mise-en-place. For those who do not, mise-en-place is a French culinary term meaning putting in place. The idea behind it is to whip up a generous amount of work while maintaining the highest quality through the mise-en-place system.

Such is the idea behind this book which adapts this culinary principle into everyday life. Work clean does this through a simple ten-step guide that will enable you to navigate smarter in any aspect of your life.

Cosmos by Carl Sagan




It’s not uncommon to question the meaning of life. However, without risking an existential crisis, you may want to explore this insightful concept—what better way to do so than through a deep dive into Cosmos by Carl Sagan?

The book is fantastic for its accessibility in dealing with these deep and expansive topics. Thus, you can easily explore concepts around religion, philosophy, history, culture, and science quite easily. As a result, you will be equipped with well-rounded ideas on the above subjects.

You Are Not Your Brain by Jeffrey Schwarz




Beat impulsiveness with help from You Are Not Your Brain by Jeffrey Schwarz. This book is perfect for those who are looking to start and remain disciplined. Therefore if you feel out of control lately, you may want to put this on your to-read list.

Exercising control on your mind can go a long way in improving your relationships with friends and family. Moreover, you will overcome the obstacles you set for yourself regarding your overall success in life for excellent productivity.

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell




A high IQ might mean intelligence in one thing and not something else. While a high IQ is great to have, it is not the be-all and end-all achievement. This concept is illustrated in this book that seeks to explain why some people will be more successful than others.

The author, Malcolm Gladwell, is interested in showing you how to become more intelligent and more successful. He does this by using the findings behind evolutionary psychology.

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner




Last but not least is this eye-catching title by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. The idea behind this book is to imply that to become more intelligent, you may want to start by changing your perspectives on things.

Let go of your misunderstood ideas and alter how you think and decide by reading through the diverse examples provided. What better way to determine your approach to intelligence than considering the thought process from a wide range of people?
