Queen Elizabeth II Launches Gin Made From Ingredients Grown In Her London Residence
Sandringham Gin includes twelve botanicals hand-picked for the royal drink from the Gardens at Buckingham Palace.
The gin appears not only to be rich in flavor but also in tradition. Which one would suppose is befitting of a royal gin from the Queen of England.
If you happen to be a fan of the royals and a gin fan, now you have the opportunity to mix both in a cocktail of your interest. What a royal treat!
Sandringham Gin
Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham estate (the country home in Norfolk where the entire royal family usually gathers for Christmas) just launched its very own gin.
The bottle (which is royally stunning) is made of clear and turquoise glass with a gold stopper. The labeling features a coronet and a ring of flowers.
The Ingredients Of The Gin
And if you think that’s news, hear this. Not only is the brand from the Queen's country estate, but it includes ingredients from the Sandrigham’s gardens - her actual garden!
The gin includes Sharon fruit grown in the Walled Garden, "at the end of what was a range of glass houses, built on the winnings of the famous racehorse, Persimmon, owned by King Edward VII," as well as foliage from myrtle plants grown on the estate.
The Queen Loves Her Gin

(Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage)
The Queen’s soft spot for gin is no secret, nor is this her first rodeo in the gin game. The ninety-four-year-old monarch’s signature cocktail is gin and Dubonnet with a slice of lemon, which she reportedly drinks every day.
Over the summer, Buckingham Palace launched a gin, ‘Buckingham Palace Gin,’ made with ingredients grown at the Queen's London home. It went on sale online and quickly sold out within hours.
Availability Of The Gin
Sandringham Gin goes for $67 a bottle. The gin is available for purchase at any Royal Collection Trust shop and will also be served at the palace’s official events.
The gin is distilled in small batches, and delivery may take up to two weeks. However, that doesn’t apply to you if you’re not in the UK as shipping is unfortunately not available internationally.
Ryan Reynold’s Reaction
Fans may be aware that the Deadpool writer and actor has his own brand called Aviation Gin that he launched not too long ago.
When the news broke of the Queen’s on Twitter, the star had some classic Ryan Reynolds revolutionary war humor on hand. The next celebrity gin makers conventions are going to be quite something.