
Self-Sabotaging: 5 Ways You May Be Holding Yourself Back From Reaching Your Potential

May 05, 2021
02:00 A.M.

Self-sabotaging can come in a number of ways and it can limit us from reaching our potential in different facets of our lives.


It's important that we're able to notice these limiting habits that we often fall into that keep us from being all that we can and stop us in our tracks from feeling fulfilled in relationships, professional and personal life.

Self-sabotaging habits can occur from past events that may have caused you to feel unsafe. We develop these habits to try and protect ourselves from feeling that way again but the unfortunate thing, they can keep us stuck in the pain of that moment, struggling to grow beyond that. Here are five ways that you may be self-sabotaging:

Not Asking For Help

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash


Many of us fall into the pattern of constant giving, at work, to our friends or family. But we find ourselves out of the habit of receiving as such many of us have a hard time asking for help and receiving it from others.

However, there's nothing wrong with asking for help when you would like a hand. You don't have to do it all by yourself, and when you don't know what to do or how to move forward, allow yourself to lean on your support system. Let giving be a two-way street.

Seeking Outward Validation

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash


There's no problem with enjoying compliments and affirming words from others. However, if you find that you're living at the service of other's validation and struggling to move on without it, it may be limiting you.

Open yourself up to practical ways of self-affirmation and trust your intuition because it's always on your side. If you can celebrate yourself and essentially give to yourself, we may stunt our growth and limit our life experiences.

Lack Of Rest

Photo by Tony Tran on Unsplash

Photo by Tony Tran on Unsplash


Another common habit that many have adopted in life, and largely highlighted during the pandemic, is to be in the hustle and bustle of life, so much so that we put rest second.

To be well rested helps us to be more of ourselves while constant fatigue takes us away. Rest also allows us to reflect and grow, and you may find that taking a few hours in a day can help you flourish.

Passive Aggression

Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash

Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash


This is especially true in relationships where you may always feel ready to pick a fight with a friend or partner, even over minor issues.

Try instead to exercise good communication by telling your partner what upsets you and responding kindly to the situation. Be aware when you're feeling particularly provocative and try to address the issue differently.

Lacking Structure And Regimens

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Having a nighttime regimen and a morning regimen helps us to ground ourselves and also let the body know that you love and care for it to know to relax instead of being in a perpetual do and think.

The result of this may be seen in constantly feeling the need to over plan and sometimes with little follow-through and commitment.
