
Spoiler Alert: A Glimpse Into 'The Handmaid's Tale' Premier

May 07, 2021
04:00 P.M.
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The Handmaid’s Tale is finally here! After nearly two years of nervous waiting, season four is here, and it seems to be promising a lot more than pain in Gilead.


The Handmaid’s Tale has undoubtedly had its highs and lows, but this series has kept us at the edge of our seats, waiting for June to break free finally! Nearly two years ago, we watched in awe as the women sacrificed their lives and freedom to set children free!

June has never been one to give up the fight, and somehow through all the pain and suffering, she’s managed to keep moving forward. And yesterday, they braced us with not just one but three episodes to premiere the long-awaited season four!

Is June alive?


The fearless mama is clinging to life and living her life as a stubborn freedom fighter! The other handmaids carry her to safety and try to keep her alive while on the run.

They find shelter on a farm where June starts sympathizing with a Commander’s Wife, no more than a teenager. She quickly learns that even though Gilead portrays itself as a country whose only concern is the future of the children might not be true after all.

What does it hold for Serena Joy and Fred Waterford?


Still locked up in a prison facility, the couple’s marriage has turned sour. Stuck in turmoil of Fred’s betrayal, Serena has to choose whether to save her marriage or herself.

As if their luxury prison stay wasn’t torturous enough, they’re delivered the news of the plane of children and Martha’s to safety. A severe blow to the Waterford’s when they learned that it was none other than their precious Offred behind the entire operation.

What about the freed children?


While we all thought the children would be better off, free in Canada, Moira runs into some problems. It seems that the kids who’ve only known Gilead as their home aren’t adjusting well.

This isn’t only a problem for the kids across the border; Hannah struggles to recognize her own mother, which breaks June’s heart. Will this lead to June finally breaking out of Gilead and leaving Hannah behind?

The other handmaids


We’ve been through such trauma with these women and their struggle for freedom; they didn’t give up even when they didn’t want to fight! In the end, they barely had a choice which no doubt left us in tears!

This season is sure to put us through an emotional roller coaster! But being suckers for a happy ending, we can’t help but wait for more clinging to the hope that June finally breaks free!
