
The Best Secret Menu Items To Order

Apr 14, 2021
05:00 P.M.
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Secret menus, like their name suggests, are a secret. They are a secret because they are not traditionally found on the menu but are customized to meet the client's needs. You can find them at every restaurant if you know to ask.


This is excellent news for those who have eyes bigger than their stomachs. This particular order recipe offers the possibility of adding, removing, or swapping different items' elements on request.

Undecided about what to order? It's time to combine different menu items for ultimate delicacy. By using a few ordering hacks, doing some assembly yourself, and being kinder to the person behind the counter, you can create the secret menu items of your dreams.

In-N-Out Grilled Cheese


In-N-Out has got the backs of their vegetarian fan base. They are willing to make you happy if you don't eat meat at all. You can enjoy the deliciousness of your burger without the meat.

The burger joint offers grilled cheese sandwiches. These are essentially the In-N-Out cheeseburger, minus the meat. You can decide to take out the onions or leave them in. The choice is all yours for the asking.

In-N-Out Protein Burger


Are you on a low-carb diet but still want to enjoy your burger? This is possible. Who says burgers must come with the bun? At In-N-Out, you can have your burger protein style.

At In-N-Out, you can have your burger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun. That way, you still enjoy the deliciousness of the patty without feeling guilty. Plus, you're eating healthy!

Starbucks Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino


Starbucks, the coffee giant, has always offered a list of off-the-menu items you can order anywhere. It is a fact that there are over 200 different drinks you can ask your barista to make for you.

Medicine Ball and Butterbeer Latte have been the most famous secret menu items, but their Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino is said to be a must-have for cookie lovers.

Taco Bell Cheesarito


It was a Taco Bell staple until it was discontinued and has always been made by special request. It consists of a flour tortilla, Mexican Pizza sauce, and scallion.

If you're still indecisive about what to try first, try the Cheesarito. It provides the ultimate mix of flavor and satisfaction. Besides being a cheap and small snack, it packs a great deal of flavor in its tiny package.
