
Weekly Horoscope: The Stars Have Something Interesting To Tell

Oct 16, 2020
02:00 A.M.
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Most things need patience and time, no matter how easy you think they are to achieve. A comfortable ride is never guaranteed.


Target your intentions towards yourself this week and navigate how you want to continue this year. Catch up on your weekly horoscope to see which avenues need your attention in the next few days.


You’ll start this week fired up and ready to act on your creative impulses. Make sure you can call all the right people to help you execute your plans and visions.

Some Aries will lean towards a spontaneous adventure with loved ones instead of work. Take this time to build solid partnerships and give as much as you would like to receive.



Taurus, you are concerned about your wellness this week and want to work towards setting a routine. Remember that checking in with your loved ones can also help you with your well being.

You may also find yourself in a tricky spot with a friend or a partner this week. Be patient and gather all of the facts before you react to any of these issues prematurely.



Prepare yourself for delays this week, Gemini; these things do happen to most people. You may find it hard to keep your cool when inconvenienced but think of the setbacks as an opportunity to perfect things.

On the other hand, things are looking up for your romantic interests in the next few days. Take this moment to do something fun with someone special and create some memories.



It is okay to act on your nostalgic impulses this week, Cancer; they may bring you the joy you deserve. Revisiting old hobbies and interests with someone from your past can end in a pleasant reconnection.

The weekend is also calling for you to free up some time in your schedule for your domestic life. You may feel more secure and support spending time with loved ones at home this weekend.



You may feel drawn to reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while early this week, Leo. This energy may also be calling you to take another look at your life blueprint and how you want to execute it.

Take these vibrations as a sign to make new connections and build on old ones as there is much to learn. The recent conversations can help you reshape and tick off things on your to-do list.



Virgo, this week may bring you some challenges that will hinder your progression for a moment. Miscommunications may set you back, but you’ll be fine as long as you try your best.

Try not to take this week’s hindrances to heart. Instead, focus your energy on efforts that can change your perspectives, like charity work or volunteering.


Make sure that you get all of your ducks in a row this week, Libra. Your house of income needs you to pay special attention to your finances and any projects that involve money or investments.


You are also trying to get more clear on your goals, and your brand is under inspection. If you feel like changing your hair or refreshing your resume, this is the time to do so.


Your instincts are itching for you to revise the way you’ve been doing things lately, Scorpio. The plan you’ve been following for so long may not be working for you anymore.

There’s no shame in taking a step back to reassess how you will move forward from here. Reflect on your inner needs and desires. Your mental wellness is vital for now, so take things slow.



Sagittarius, you may have been yearning to make a positive change for your community. This is the week to take up any charitable efforts to fulfill your appetite for making a difference.

Work may also put you in a bit of a mood this week as you butt heads with colleagues. Try to focus on your urgent responsibilities and remove yourself from the negative energy when you can.



Opportunities are coming your way, and they may open up a whole new perspective to you, Capricorn. Grab this with both hands and allow yourself to feel refreshed by this new energy.

You may also feel that your efforts are going unnoticed or unappreciated lately. It is best to take a breather from this narrative, avoid stress from work, take a few days off, and plan a vacation.



You may have started an unfinished conversation with a high up at work. This week is the best time to revisit any negotiations that will help you take up more responsibilities to advance your career.

It is possible that you are also getting a bit bored with your routine, Aquarius. Allow your curiosity to lead you into taking an online course. This development will help your future endeavors and adventures.



This week’s energy pulls you to think further about your deepest desires, Pisces. Reflect on the things you need from your relationships and find the best way to express your feelings during this moment.

There is great potential to boost your connections, but there is also a potential for chaos and confusion. Take time to gain more clarity about any situations you may find yourself in, so no bridges are burned.
