Wicks Hairstyle: More about This Type of Dreadlocks
Dreadlocks are one of the more popular and easily recognizable hairstyles. The famous hairdo has several types, and wick locks have been gaining in fashionableness in recent years after several celebrities have adopted them.
The wick locks are distinct from others due to their origins and associated culture with links to hip-hop and African-American communities in America. That represents a move away from the association of locks to reggae and the Rastafarian religion developed in Jamaica.
The hairstyle is achieved in various ways, including rubber band and crochet needle methods. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so it is wise to familiarize oneself with each to make the best choice. Once the locks have matured, they can be developed into a wide range of styles, giving flexibility in choice.
What Are Wick Dreadlocks?
Wick dreadlocks are not the same as the famous natural dreadlocks commonly spotted on many Rastafarians. Whereas the natural ones are popularly associated with Jamaica and its people, wick locks find their origins in the United States.
Besides the noticeable differences in how the two dreadlocks look, there are also cultural differences in the hairstyles. The wick locks are related to the hip-hop music genre, while the natural dreadlocks are more familiar in the reggae setup.
There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with wick locks. The pros include being able to wash or spend time in water immediately after the crocheting; they are strong and durable and do not need too many products to maintain them. Furthermore, they can be put using extensions and work on almost all hair types.
On the flip side, since the hairstyle is not quite as popular, few hairdressers can do high-quality work on your locks, and the method takes time to master. This marvelous hairstyle can also be quite expensive and a little painful. The extensions and unnatural hair can result in stigma.
2 Methods of Creating Wicks
Although there are more ways to start wick dreads, this article discusses two of the most popular ones. The first is the rubber band method. As the name suggests, the technique involves grouping hair into multiple sections and holding each section together using rubber bands wrapped around the whole area of hair.
It is believed to be the best and most straightforward way to make wick locks on loose afro hair. There are various sizes for the locks since people can choose the thickness they want. Thinner wicks take more time to mature, and it comes as a recommendation that the hair should remain unwashed until the rubber bands are ready to come off.
It usually takes three to six weeks before removing the bands; patience is critical. Meanwhile, sea salt spray, oil, gel, and wax come in handy to clean the locks. Rubber bands are best left in place until the hair starts locking.
The second method is the crochet needle procedure. Like the first, this method also involves using rubber bands. However, unlike the first, this one also includes using the crochet needle in making locks, probably making it the fastest way to create mature-looking wicks.
There are a few steps to follow when crocheting. The first is to find enough rubber bands to use on your hair and get a crochet needle. First, wash and thoroughly dry your hair before separating hair into various sections, depending on the desired thickness of the wicks.
The rubber bands tie the roots of each wick. Not that this is different from the rubber band method, where the whole strand is tied. For the last step, "Cultivate your wicks by holding your hair between your thumb, index, and middle fingers—then start crocheting." Locks are formed by sticking the needle through the hair and pulling it out.
Stylish the Wicks
One of the great things about wick locks is their ability to transform into a wide range of styles. One of the popular styles is the bee hive which has the dreadlocks coiled around into a beehive-looking design. It typically works for locks longer than ten inches.
Then there are the wick bangs, a more casual and laid-back style that leaves a few wicks dangling loosely on the forehead with the rest tied on top of the head. The side swoop sees more; usually, all the wick locks hang on the side of the head though generally done using longer dreadlocks.
Women primarily wear the above styles. However, many of the types are unisexual. These include, but are not limited to; the side fade cut short wick dreads and pineapple top wick hair. These hairstyles require the sides of the head to be shaved and have locks only on the top of the head. Some also color their hair.
Furthermore, there is the high bun wick hair, which looks similar to the bee hive style. Perhaps the most popular type is the push-back wick locks spotted on many celebrities, including Whoopi Goldberg and Bob Marley's son, Damian Marley.