10 Things You Learn In Your First Year of Marriage
You are probably not even remotely thinking about it right now, but it is still good to know that you will discover new things during the first year of marriage. Sometimes exciting, other times, you will think long and hard.
Are you wondering if these are positive or negative aspects of married life? There are two sides to the coin, and the secret lies in managing them! The first year of marriage is a new stage in the life of a couple.
You two will share physical space, the bills, and the shopping. They also share daily emotions, the big and small joys, and the difficulties. Marriage is more than a piece of paper, and you will find out soon, within the first twelve months.
1. You Will Learn To Manage Family Life

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If you already live with it, this aspect will have less impact on you, but it will strengthen you. Married life involves a series of tasks, including bureaucratic ones, to manage promptly and skillfully. You have to surrender to the idea of having to organize everything.
Did you live alone before the wedding? Or with the parents? There are many errands to be carried out while married, and you will have to manage them in two. Therefore, just as you did for the wedding preparations, arm yourself with a pen and paper and be ready to draw up long daily to-do lists, prepared to share every decision.
2. Free Time Should Be A Valuable Commodity

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The daily routine will be an integral part of your life as a couple. Timing will be vital to be able to manage better the numerous commitments that, as seen, will crowd your days, in addition to work. That said, try to avoid monotony taking over in every way.
The management of family life, "haunted" by commitments and duties, can dampen enthusiasm and undermine your happiness in the long run. If it happens without you noticing it, do not worry: it is normal.

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Life together is based on a constant game of balance that requires both of you to achieve the proper adjustment every time. This is how free time becomes a pure oxygen source, a precious commodity that must never be underestimated and must always be preserved.
So, carve out some space for yourself, whether to spend an afternoon relaxing together, for dinner in the restaurant you like so much or to discover some new places where you can spend a weekend away from everything and everyone!
3. Friendships And Personal Hobbies Are Vital

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The management of family life, commitments, collaboration, protection of the time to devote to yourselves is vital. But be careful not to forget yourself as an individual! You will discover that family life is so rich that, without you realizing it, it can undermine some vital personal spaces.
You will then realize that it would be a mistake to sacrifice hobbies and personal friendships. Thus, if, on the one hand, finding activities to do together and frequenting mutual friendships is one of the pleasant novelties of married life, on the other hand, it is necessary never to stop preserving and cultivating one's passions.
4. Your True Personality Will Shine Through

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You are married, and all bets are off. You fart in front of each other without embarrassment. Pee with the door open; he shaves while you shower.
Now she knows that sometimes you don't shower for two days in a row and forget to brush your teeth. She loves you anyway. Isn't love fantastic?
5. Deal With Finances

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Seriously, that sucks. Bringing together financial strength is complicated and confusing, and it's probably a good idea to get help from a planner. Determine what your goals are, the differences in the way you spend. Deal with it now, and be financially insured for life!
6. Seek Help When Necessary

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There were a few times when you both will need help. Do not let pride come in the way of what is necessary. Be sure to seek someone who is matured and wise and not someone who will go about telling tales.
7. You Will Have Doubts

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The first year is usually the most challenging. There is a lot to get used to, especially if you have never lived with your partner before this time. There are times when you will freak out, and that's fine. But be sure you have made the right decision.
8. You Will Have Your Differences

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Now, you are living with a grown human who is used to other things in life. It is normal for you both to disagree on the things you want, from the color of the paint to the types of curtains to install.
9. You'd Learn To Experiment

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You both have to learn what pleases each other so you can meet one another's needs. This will surely take you out of your comfort zone. From your bedroom skills to your kitchen skills, you will have to learn many new things.
10. You Have To Be Kind To Each Other

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You might have known this before you got married, but you'll come to realize that the number one key to marriage is to be kind to each other. There is also respect, love, the benefit of the doubt, kindness. You will do it.