5 Black Food Items That Promise To Make Your Inner Darkness Happy
You may be a fan of lively and vibrant color palettes, but it's hard to shake off the bold vibe of black color. If you've rocked your LBD and tried on smokey and metallic eyeshadow, it's time to bring the dark black theme to your kitchen.
We can all agree that dark things have an aura that is shady, sketchy, but very intimidating. Blame it on the analogy of our intense affinity for the color; darkness almost always reminds us of black and nothing else.
It wouldn't be so hard for the lovers of black coffee and dark chocolate to understand the vitality of this color. From dark and delicious buttercream cakes to mouth-watering black hamburgers, we found five black-themed food items on Instagram that resonated with our souls' inner darkness and triggered our spooky smiles.
1.Black Out
This black swirl cone has done more than just a little damage to our hearts. We are not sure if recovering from such black magic is even possible.
2.Dark & Cheesy
We literally did a double take and reminded ourselves that this is just black, not burnt. Hamburgers have never looked so appetizing before.
3.Black Pasta
Is it even possible for a food item to speak to your soul? I think I have an alternate ego that can relate to this black squid ink pasta on an entirely different frequency.
4.Dark And Creamy
You cannot be a true dessert lover if you've never tried a black delight. For starters, savoring this textured buttercream cake sounds like a fun idea.
5.Spooky-Eyed Waffle
Can you feel those spooky eyeballs watching you? Imagine eating this wild waffle dish, all the while feeling conscious because of those lingering, freaky stares.