8 Food Related Channels To Follow On Youtube
Whether you have the intention of getting some tips or you simply enjoy watching people make food or eat food, these channels will hook you.
There's no two ways about it, food videos are satisfying to watch. The prepartion, the process and eventual final product can have anyone in a loop of food content.
We know the feeling. We've put together some entertaining and noteworthy food-related channels that you can watch, and possibly get some tips from.
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay is not only an incredible chef, but he he's really charasmatic and likable, and it translates on-screen. It's hard not love him (and maybe be a tiny bit intimidated.)
SORTEDfood is all round entertaining food content. They've got cooking challenges, gadget reviews and midweek inspiration for when you want to try something other than spaghetti Tuesdays.
Mostly relatable and always posting something new and interesting abour life but also a lot of food-related content, like this air-fryer video for instance.
Maangchi is alll about Korean cuisine to be shared with loved ones, from cooking it to eating it. The channel is really wholesome and there's a lot of tips that you might want to try.
Hebbars Kitchen
Hebbar's Kitchen focuses primarly on Indian vegetable recipes so great one for the non-meat eaters, meat-reducers and those interested in big flavors.
Seonkyoung Longest
Seonkyoung Longest does Asian cooking at home and for home. The channel has a really vast selection of Asian recipes to check out.
Veg Village Food
This channel makes food. As in like, a whole lot of food. Here they made two thousand packets of noodles.They've also made one thousand samoosas and a giant Oreo cake, among other things.
李子柒 Liziqi
李子柒 Liziqi incorporates a lot of reallhy fresh, plant-based ingredients into her cooking. Her video are pleasent to watch and include beatiful scenery.