A Guide To Maintaining Long Distance Relationships
"Distance makes the hearts grow fonder," and this couldn't be more true for two people in love living miles apart from each other. While long-distance relationships can have their issues, they also help people appreciate and value their S.O.
Long-distance relationships have long been marked as "doomed to failure" from the start. However, with the world experiencing a technological boom and digitalization taking over, it's natural for people to live in different parts of the world and still have genuine feelings for their partner.
While technology and social media have made it convenient for people to communicate, the factor of missing physical presence remains a stinging issue. Scroll down to find some expert tips on how to nail the art of loving from afar and keeping the spark alive in your relationship.
Set Clear Boundaries

Photo By Dominic Sansotta On Unsplash
It's imperative for couples who are in serious relationships to lay down some ground rules and discuss what's acceptable or not acceptable. Many people tend to ignore the virtual space invasion policy, which might lead to discord and mistrust.
Rely On Technology

Photo By Dollar Gill On Unsplash
Technology has made it easier for people to stay connected on the go with their S.O. You can send each other pictures, videos, audio clips, and even FaceTime to celebrate special occasions together in the digital space.
Stay Committed

Photo By Andrew Neel On Unsplash
One main reason why LDR fails is because of the lack of trust and commitment issues. Sit down and understand what the relationship means to you and how far you can go to make things work. Planning your future together while being far apart can be a real challenge for long-distance lovers.
Make Room For Pleasant Surprises

Photo By Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian On Unsplash
Surprises have a wholesome and welcoming appeal, and they can help ignite flames in your LDR. They can be anything from a cute gift box of chocolates, a pleasant scent, a phone call, or even a surprise visit to your partner you haven't seen in a long time.
Try A Virtual Date

Photo By Jonathan Borba On Unsplash
Couples living afar normally connect over the phone and Skype, so bringing in a surprise element will make a huge difference. You can entertain the idea of having a virtual date with your lover and relish in the feel-good vibes as you bond over your favorite menu.
Work Across A Time Limit

Photo By Austin Distel On Unsplash
Nobody can stay in an LDR forever, so it is essential to understand how long you can operate being apart from your partner. It is best to work out a timeline around which you can either take your relationship to the next level or call it quits.
Normalize LDRs

Photo By Maddi Bazzocco On Unsplash
LDRs do not occur in a parallel universe, and they have boarded well for many people worldwide. Research data suggests that around 75 percent of the couples who later got engaged have been in long-distance relationships at some point in their lives.