
Feminine Cleanser Brand Faces Backlash On Twitter For Descriptions On Their Bottles

Apr 08, 2021
10:00 A.M.

The company behind the feminine wash has made Twitter users uncomfortable over the language used on their packaging.


On Sunday, a Twitter user shared two images that they had taken of an American company, Goodwash's "Down There Wash." The language choice used to describe the product left Twitter users with an unsavory taste in their mouths.

The wording used on the packaging has been described as "dangerous and cringe" and deemed appropriation of African American Vernacular English. The company now faces serious backlash.

Goodwash 'Down There Wash'


In the image, the packaging reads that the product is an "aloe-based cleanser" that is pH-balanced with calendula and sage. It goes on to say that it's a "hoorah for your hoo-ha."

The image showing the back reveals the product description, which reads: "Did you know the vagina (internal) is a magical self-cleaning machine" Then goes on to explain that the "vulva (external) is a whole other thang." But lucky for hoo-has, the brand claims that the correct cleanser can "keep your little lady fresh," which is "super mega major KEY."


"The wrong thing can throw off her natural pH, which leads to dry, itchy skin, UTIs, yeast infections, odor, and more. Bye Felicia, thank you, next! C U NEVER."

The packaging reads.

What's Wrong With The Packaging


Several elements of this product and its packaging make it unpleasant to read, starting with the name. Several Twitter users had also pointed out how referring to a vagina as "down there" and other euphemisms like "bajingo" or "hoo ha" on a product packaged for adults felt juvenile.

On the point of wording, other Twitter users were unimpressed with the appropriation of African American Vernacular English (AAVE). One user said the company was owned by white men.


Perhaps one of the biggest dangers of the language used by Goodwash is how it implies it triggers insecurities about the vagina. Education about the vagina is still taboo in many spaces, and the brand appears to be exploiting the fear of a urinary tract infection, odor, and irritation.

Vagina Care

Photo by Jannes Jacobs on Unsplash

Photo by Jannes Jacobs on Unsplash

"You never need to wash the vagina as it is completely self-cleansing. The vulva is on the outside is kept moist by the secretions from the vagina, washing the vulva with water is absolutely sufficient unless you have a medical condition, in which case a moisturizing emollient would usually be recommended."

Dr. Tania Adib, resident gynaecologist at Callaly told "Glamor."
