
A Self-Help Guide To Enjoying The Little Things In Life

May 22, 2021
04:00 P.M.

Life is a beautiful journey, but sometimes our circumstances can weigh us down. In times of sheer chaos, finding joy in trivial moments can uplift our spirits, giving us an energy boost to combat hardships.


We’ve all been through times where our patience and strength were put to the test. While we may not be able to control what happens to us, we have the power to alter our reactions and not let bad times take the best of us.

Nobody’s life is perfect, but we can choose to look on the brighter side of things and try to find the good in bad moments. Take a look at how you can appreciate the little moments to survive the pandemic blues and life’s worst-case scenarios in general.

Wake Up Early

Photo By Sage Friedman On Unsplash

Photo By Sage Friedman On Unsplash


Instead of feeling grumpy after hitting your snooze button every morning, get in the habit of waking up early. Step outside to peek at the first morning light, see the sunrise in the sky, and feel calm seeing the birds flying high.

For a moment, tune out all limiting beliefs and worries. Surrender yourself to the power of nature, and feel the fresh wind caressing your skin. Life will feel a lot less complicated.

Experience Nature

Photo By Aarón Blanco Tejedor On Unsplash

Photo By Aarón Blanco Tejedor On Unsplash


If you’re an early riser, try starting your day with a morning walk. Take a good look at the wide cloud cover above your head, and smell the fresh air. Absorb the positivity of all the greenery around you, which will instantly soothe your senses.


Photo By Nick Reynolds On Unsplash

Photo By Nick Reynolds On Unsplash

If you’re struggling with putting together a morning routine, there’s still plenty you can do as a night owl. Nyctophiles particularly enjoy stargazing sessions, which are likely to inspire positive and mood uplifting emotions like wonder and wanderlust.



Photo By Katerina Jerabkova On Unsplash

Photo By Katerina Jerabkova On Unsplash

Practicing mindful activities like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Set aside a few minutes from your daily routine to engage in mindfulness, and a wave of calmness and positivity will take you over.

Spend Time With Children

Photo By Paige Cody On Unsplash

Photo By Paige Cody On Unsplash


Children know a thing or two about living in the moment, and they’re the most adorable teachers one can ever find. Take out time to play with kids, and you’ll be able to extract numerous joyful moments from your seemingly mundane life.

Give In To Music

Photo By Spencer Imbrok On Unsplash

Photo By Spencer Imbrok On Unsplash

Music is food for the soul. There are songs for a myriad of feelings we go through daily, so plug in your headphones or blast an upbeat track on repeat and get lost in the lyrical realm.


Grab A Good Read

Photo By Sincerely Media On Unsplash

Photo By Sincerely Media On Unsplash

If you can’t physically travel to a far-off place, the least you can do is grab a book and journey through its pages. Reading is an excellent way to expand your mental and emotional faculties and discover a whole new world of possibilities.
