
Monthly Horoscope: What Does This Month Hold For You?

Sep 07, 2020
04:47 A.M.
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Things are about to get a little crazy, buckle up, and prepare for the ride. Read your Monthly Horoscope below for some insight.



Aries, this month brings you closure and introspection. Your professional life is about to take a turn for the best but don’t forget to find some satisfaction from within.

Your decisions have brought you to success so let go of self-doubt. Pick up a passion project this September.



You deserve to have fun this month Taurus, this year has been one hell of a ride for you. Indulge in all your favorite things this first half of September, you’ll soon get the urge for a tighter routine.

Something is about to take an unexpected turn for the best, embrace it Taurus. You should also download that workout app you’ve been thinking about all year.



You’re in your zone this September, get ready to take the spotlight, Gemini. Take a step back to see how far you’ve come, this will give you a little boost to believe in yourself right now.

You’ve ticket all the boxes for that project, now it’s ready to launch. Buy yourself a bottle of champagne, you deserve it.


Something is bothering you this month and you’re not sure how to deal with it. Don’t ignore your feelings, Cancer, reach out to loved ones who may be able to help you navigate the truth. Warm up your space with some cozy fall candles, you’ll love the time at home this month.



You’ve got nothing to lose this September, make a new wish every week if you want to! Love is in the air and positive energies enter your space if you allow them to. Pick up an online yoga class to center yourself this month. Keep it cucumber cool and all the good vibes will follow.



It’s time you pay attention to your own desires Virgo, dream big and reach for everything you’ve imagined. This new month is a fresh slate for you, so get ready to get back into things with a bang.

Work hard and play hard this birthday month dear Virgo, a little fun never hurt anybody. Perhaps you’d like to try Gwyneth’s vagina scented candle to attract new suitors?



Make some new month resolutions this September and get back on track with your physical health. Remember, being healthy doesn’t need a gym membership and heavy weights.

A little conflict may arise more than usual this month, Libra. Find your zen by rearranging your space and treating yourself to a luxury item or two. See our article on home interior Instagram accounts for some much-needed time out and inspiration.


The storm is over for you this month Scorpio, get out there and make yourself heard. Be proactive in every aspect of your life to see results, your talents need to be put to use.


Try a bold new hair color this fall for your brand new attitude. The extra confidence boost will push you even further.


Make some room for growth this month as things around you try to find a more stable footing. Your professional life is budding, even if you feel a bit lost right now.

Pay some attention to your loved ones this September, there’s potential for growth in your relationships. Invite someone cute over and make them a yummy fall cocktail, you never know what may happen.



You’ll need to slow down and take some downtime this Virgo season, Capricorn. You could miss out on the important things happening right in front of you.

Be careful not to make any rash decisions at home this month, you may find yourself in a pickle. Self care doesn’t make you weak or lazy, book yourself a trip to the spa and invite a friend to the fun.



You can have it all Aquarius, just dig deep and face what it is that you really want. An epiphany will come this month and it brings relief for some, don’t get caught up in the anxiety of it, remember to exhale.

Your love life is trying to take center stage this month, take things slow to avoid distractions. Focus on yourself this month and something great will come.



Some big news and even bigger commitments are coming to you this month, Pisces. Don’t fret the small stuff, you’re basically on top of the world.

Make a vision board that will help you stick to your plan and everything else will fall into place.
